Upcoming events

2024 Program Events

Public Worship Events

And Every Thursday at 138 Tremont Street

All worship is at 7pm

Monday, February 10 - Taize Chant & Worship at 7pm

Saturday, February 15 - Holy Hikes in the Arnold Arboretum (details to come)

Seasonal Small groups

Every 3 months, we launch new small groups based on shared interests in the community. We know that small groups can be hard to commit to weekly, and we want to provide a low-pressure way for you to meet other people who like the same stuff. Check back regularly to see what groups we’re hosting!

Fiber arts


Bring whatever fiber art or clothing repair you are working on or learn a new craft with friends.

Queer SciFi

Book Club

Wanna talk with friends about that queer sci-fi book you wanna read? Do that here!