Story of The Crossing
In 2005 when Rev. Stephanie Spellers was hired as a minister at The Cathedral Church of St. Paul. Charged with young adult outreach, she gathered eight 20-to-30-somethings in November 2005 for dinner and worship. Some of the original group came from St. Paul’s and others did not. What all of them had in common was a hunger for a new kind of church and a positive vision. Rather than just deconstructing institutional church practice, Rev. Steph wanted a group that would construct something new. At each meeting, a member of the group would share a spiritual practice that meant something to them, like yoga, singing, or art. By spring 2006, they were ready to expand their vision and open the community to growth. On April 20, 2006 they held their first worship gathering in the sanctuary at St. Paul’s.
The Crossing began as a group of searchers seeking authentic relationship with each other and God in a modern, dissociated world. Starting from a premise of radical welcome, the Crossing quickly grew into a church cherishing music, ancient ritual, and modern vernacular. As the Crossing took shape, it grew fully into an Episcopal congregation, and the Eucharist became a central part of worship. Those initial conversations morphed into a loose leadership style affectionately referred to as “scrum.” The Crossing is now governed by a Council including the Priest, treasurer, members of the leadership circles, and at-large members elected from the community. There have been several priests and ministers, music directors and seminarians, postulants and members since the beginning, but the Crossing has remained an Emergent Church in the truest sense: the values of Radical Welcome, music, ritual, and Eucharist that emerged from those first meetings have remained central to the Crossing’s identity.
“When I came that first night, I had 8 -10 people come up to introduce themselves. It felt very open and welcoming in a way I wasn’t sure I was going to find.”
— Leigh Foster
The Crossing's primary ministry is providing a welcoming worship space for LGBTQIA+ folks. We have always been a queer church. Trans, gay, lesbian, non-binary and other folks have always been a part of the Crossing. The Crossing has marched in Pride Parades, hosted the Trans Day of Remembrance, and lobbied for more inclusive laws. Queer inclusion and representation is tied to the foundation of The Crossing.
We are also committed to lay leadership, to ensure that everyone in our community is capable of making change or supporting nourishing work as it already exists.

Ready to get involved?
radical welcome
The Crossing believes that everyone belongs as part of the family of God, and welcomes all for worship and fellowship. For us, Radical Welcome is not an invitation to come in and conform to who we are, it is a holy and unpredictable invitation to bring your whole self, to change who we are because of who you are.
“The greatest of these is love.” All of the Crossing’s values stem from a belief that the greatest power is love; we believe that God is love, that we are to love each other, and that we are to love ourselves. All values flow from this love. And so whatever your Love looks like, you are honored here. We believe we are made in the image of God, and that image is Love.
The Crossing values deep and authentic relationship with God, with each other, and with oneself. Through worship, small groups, retreats, and other chances for fellowship, we work to foster and deepen our relationships. We care and attend to making our relationships healthy and whole so people can show up and be who they are authentically.
Public Minutes & notes
2022 Annual Report
Our Annual Meeting will be held on Jan. 19, 2023. Check out our report and budget here!
2.27.22 Notes
Check out our Public Minutes from our Council Meeting on Feb. 27th.
Annual Report
Missed our Annual Meeting? Find the Annual Report here!
1.23.22 Notes
Check out our Public Minutes from our Council Meeting on Jan. 23rd.