Meet us in the Crossing

Welcome to
the Crossing

The Crossing is an Episcopal faith community that believes in Radical Welcome.

We believe every part of you, broken and whole or a little bit of both, is sacred and has gifts to form and change our community. We welcome you and your gifts.

The Crossing provides a welcoming worship space for LGBTQIA+ folks and allies and all sorts of folks who find themselves a little bit more on the margins than in the mainstream.

We think faith happens at the crossing of people’s lives and we celebrate showing up exactly as you are.

radical welcome

The Crossing believes that everyone belongs in the family of God and welcomes all for worship and fellowship.


“The greatest of these is love.” All of the Crossing’s values stem from a belief that the greatest power is love


The Crossing values deep and authentic relationship with God, with each other, and with oneself.

Join our Music


We are seeking a new Principal Guitarist to join The Crossing for all our seasons!

Email our music director, Jimmy Lim, with your resume and interest here.

We’d love to meet you.

We’re all about community.

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